Our Trustees
Staci Lillis

I attended C.O. Harrison and also J.F. Dulles Elementary schools, Delhi Junior High and graduated from Oak Hills in 1981. I married my high school sweetheart (not from Oak Hills unfortunately) and we have been together since 1980 and raised two beautiful children, both went to J.F. Dulles and Rapid Run Middle school and graduated from Oak Hills in 2009 and 2013.
I have served on the PTA of all three schools since 1998 and have served on many committees throughout the years at all three schools. While my oldest was still in middle school I joined the After Prom committee in 1999 and was in charge of volunteers for this event for eight years and co-chaired it my last year on the committee and continued to volunteer after my children both graduated.
A dear friend asked me to serve on this board and I accepted immediately. I love this district and am very proud to still be able to be a part of helping our children and schools.